Celebration 5 May 2024

On May 5, the children’s free market in Terweeweg and side streets and a fair in Kempenaerstraat were held. The organization of this is provided by the Oranjevereniging with assistance from the scouting associations. The fair was traditionally set up in the parking lot on the Lijtweg. The good weather attracted many Oegstgeest residents and visitors from the region.

On the corner of Hofdijck/Terweeweg, next to the Shell pump, stood an American restored army jeep from the Second World War. Owner Jan Tazelaar with his father and cousin and Caroline van Tongeren from the Commemoration and Celebration Committee with her daughters, dressed in 1940s clothing. Together they formed a reference to the reason why liberation day is celebrated; The capitulation of Nazi Germany came into effect on May 5, 1945. The Netherlands was liberated by British, Canadian, American and Polish soldiers.

The capitulation was signed 79 years ago at Hotel de Wereld in Wageningen. On the night of May 4 to 5, running groups from 107 municipalities, including Oegstgeest, met there. The runners took the liberation fire with their torches to their own communities. They ran in a relay, with time to rest in the car in between. During the morning, nine relay runners arrived in Oegstgeest. They were met in the Bos van Wijckerslooth by councilor Tim van Tongeren. He took the torch and used it to light a candle in a lantern. The runners then placed flowers and a candle in a lantern at the war graves at the Groene Kerkje and the Halifax monument.